the brain named the brain!!! the brain named the brain!!! the brain named the brain!!!

I write essays for fun; mostly ethnographies tying together social interaction, social theory, institutionality, labor, enactivism/affordances/dialectics , culture/knowledge/relationship production, built environments both tangible and 'intangible' etc. my forever thesis combines sociology and biology foundationally, stacking and flattenng theories and disciplines like an overintellectualized psychoanalytic panini press; the social institutions we as humans create, criticize, invest in, stand-by to, etc is a result of our species need for social interaction, norms, art, etc and our bodily needs for pleasure, stimulation, challenge, flavor, stretches, birth, death, metamorphosis, etc. To me, the social, the physical, and the conceptual exist in a massive tangible and intangible feedback loop(but is anything intangible?). they need each other both in the conceptual formula and in the cellular/atomic formula. these formulas are 2d and 3d; interior design is one way of visible philosophy, priority, possible futures, pasts, and patterns of behavior.